Category: Post 3

  • Thoughts on Peer’s Blog Post (πŸ’­ #7)

    Hi Nick, thanks for a great post! I find your points about enhancing the interactivity of the Youtube video and addressing potential barriers to inclusive design to be very insightful and valid. I also like the idea of having students discuss the impact of benefits and downsides of central banks hiking interest rates, as this…

  • Thoughts on Peer’s Blog Post (πŸ’­ #5)

    I once came across the 99% Invisible podcast as well and thought its name is so clever. A remarkable design, I agree, is one that seamlessly integrates into people’s lives, making everything more convenient. Speaking of incorporating more physical models in classrooms, I recall hearing a suggestion about the potential of 3D printers to work…

  • Blog #3 – Inclusive Design 🧸

    Our group’s chosen topic is to teach students, researchers, and content creators to leverage ChatGPT in their domains. We embrace the advantages of digital platforms, striving to make our learning design accessible, flexible, and accommodating to learners with different needs.